Mini Synchronet Server Subscription

Please enter information on the form below to process subscription for Mini Synchronet Server.

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New User? Please register

Account Information

What is the name of your BBS (Human Readable)

What host name do you want for your BBS? It will be accessed as unless you have your own domain.

Enter the description for what your BBS is about - used in synchronet BBS list

If you will have a custom domain, enter it here. Otherwise your host will be in the * domain

If you want a free domain different from the * you get by default choose it here...

What do you want the Sysop account to be? Note I may have to set something different if there is a issue with your request. I will choose as close to what you ask for here.

What is the theme of your BBS? ie: Amiga, gaming, politics, etc...

This selects whether you want incoming email to go to the BBS and therefore BBS users, or should it go to the servers email handler.

Do you want me to install the DoorParty doors? This requires me to register with the provider so give me a day or so to set it up...

Install the Donation feature? This lets you collect donations from visitors to your site.

If you want the donation features, please supply a valid PayPal address. If you don't want these features enter "none". Note this is a email address, not a real-world address.

Do you want to be notified when someone downloads a file from your website (not BBS). Can be a dozen or so emails a day, but recommended so you know your website is being used...

Do you want the live chat feature on your website?

Do you want additional languages enabled on your website?

Do you want your BBS to be linked to Gamenet? A Gaming network for BBS's.

Do you want your BBS joined to WeedNet?

Where do you want your server hosted?

What do you want as the main (ports 80/443) website? The BBS itself or Joomla

Do you want to be notified if your server runs low on SSD space?

If you are providing your own server please enter the IP address you will be using. Otherwise you can leave this blank.

Payment Information

Free for the first Month
Then $7.00 for each Month
By signing up to this subscription plan and agreeing to the Privacy Policy you agree to this web site storing your information.
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