Steve Wolf is friends with Jeff
Basic Information
Male -
27. 02. 1957 -
About me
Just an old time BBS guy. Hacker - Musician - Guitarist - Former Welder. I hale from Long Island New York. I am the Sysop of Havens BBS. havens.synchro.net. Telnet 23 SSH port 2222. I use Twitter more then Facebook but I do have a facebook account. I'm not big on the Web and social media sites but do have accounts on the Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. I enjoy the messaging found on BBS'es. If you haven't found a BBS you should really check them out. There are many on the internet.
Anyway I grew up in Smithtown NY. I'm been married and divorced for many years. The BBS is hosted on one of MarisaG's servers. I've found her services to be extremely reliable and invaluable to me. Anyway of course my BBS runs Synchronet BBS software and I am a big Fan! -
Long Islad New York -
Favorite BBS
Havens BBS havens.synchronetbbs.org
Contact Information
Mobile phone
n/a -
Land phone
n/a -